Wednesday 20 February 2013

Priory of St. John The Baptist, Trim, Co. Meath

These are the ruins of the Priory and Hospital of St John the Baptist. The priory was founded for the ‘Crutched Friars’(named after the wooden staffs they carried which were topped by a cross) by Simon de Rochfort c 1202, about the same time as he founded the Cathedral and medieval parish church. The Friars were Augustinians who ran hospitals and guest houses.Their hospitals were built similar to all Augustinian monasteries, but with special facilities for caring for the sick. Among the remains is a church with a nave and chancel and a large three-light window in the east wall, see above. Part of a long two story building remains as well as remnants of a 15-16th century enclosing wall with one small corner turret still standing. The most prominent building is a 15th century three-storey residential tower which is vaulted above ground floor and forms part of the defensive wall. The priory was dissolved in 1540 and the buildings were re-used as a private residence.

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